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Importing projects and clients into Timely using Toggl or Harvest
Importing projects and clients into Timely using Toggl or Harvest

Quickly import data from other time tracking tools into Timely

Lisa avatar
Written by Lisa
Updated over a week ago

Plans 💳 : Everyone

User Permissions đŸ‘„: Admins
Making the switch from one time tracking tool to another is no easy feat. The last thing you want is to spend precious billable hours cloning information and recreating your company structure! If you’re a Toggl or Harvest user, you’re in luck — we’ve built a custom import to effortlessly migrate your data to Timely.

Note: You must be an Admin user in your Timely workspace and Toggl or Harvest account to set-up the integration.


Note: Toggl requires it's users to be a "workspace owner" in order to utilize this integration.

To get started importing projects and clients from Toggl, first you’ll need to connect Timely and Toggl. You’ll need to sign into your Toggl account and click “Profile settings”. From there, scroll down to your API token and copy it to your clipboard.

Head back to the Integrations tab in Timely, click to integrate Toggl and select “Connect new account”:

Enter your Toggl API token and click “Submit” to finish connecting your account:

Now, you’re ready to import your projects! Click the “Import from Toggl” button then follow the prompts to select the workspace, projects & clients and users to bring over into Timely.

Note: All active users in Toggl are imported into Timely.

Review the summary of your import then click the “Start importing” button to begin the process. After a few seconds, you’ll see the import has finished alongside a brief summary and the timestamp for when the import was completed. 🎉


Importing projects from Harvest to Timely only requires you to authorize the connection between the two tools:

Follow the prompts to connect your account and from there, click the “Import from Harvest” button, then add the workspace, projects & clients and users you want to import to Timely.

Note: All active users in Harvest are imported into Timely.

Review everything before clicking the “Start importing” button and then you’re off! A few seconds later, the import will be finished and all your Harvest projects are now in Timely! ✅


Where are all the projects that I’ve imported?

Once you’ve imported projects from Toggl or Harvest, you can find those projects by going to the Projects tab in Timely.

Have I been charged for all the users I imported from another tool?

No way! We want you to have control over who needs to be in Timely. To invite these users to Timely, head to the People tab and you’ll see a button that says “Unassigned users”. Click to pull up a list of all the imported users and then invite whoever needs to join Timely.

Why doesn’t one of my imported projects have any users?

While Timely imports all active users from Toggl or Harvest, those users are not automatically invited to Timely. If an imported project has one or more users that haven’t been added to Timely, they won’t show up as active users on that project until they’ve been invited to Timely.

Where are my tags?

You’ll find all imported tags within the global tag management system in Timely under the name of the tool they were imported from (i.e. Toggl, Harvest).

Can I import projects and clients from other tools?

Right now, you can only import projects and clients from Toggl and Harvest but we’re always open to feature requests for other integrations! Feel free to submit a feature request here. 

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